Between Two Rivers
An Iowa Field Guide Series
Share your contributions to Iowa's natural history in a new, grassroots series of field guides that merge Iowa's physical and literary landscapes. Between Two Rivers: An Iowa Field Guide Series will feature short prose, poetry, visual art, hybrid work, and fragments from contributors with heartfelt connections to the many unique ecosystems in our state. Like the tallgrass prairie, this series will celebrate diversity and mutual flourishing among flora, fauna, people, and place.
Between Two Rivers: An Iowa Field Guide Series is accepting submissions for Vol. 1: Prairies & Pahas.
Follow along on Instagram @iowafieldguides
Call for Submissions
In volume one, we're looking for creative works that…
center a particular place, plant, animal, or other aspect/inhabitant of upland prairies, prairie pahas, or sand prairies,
delight in the many unique ecosystems and species found in our state,
celebrate the resiliency of flora, fauna, and fungi persisting in one of the most ecologically-altered regions in the country,
grapple with the realities of species & habitat loss along with other environmental changes,
and/or engage with themes of conservation, place, history, interspecies kinship, rematriation, or land-caretaking.
Because this is a deeply placed-based publication, we are looking for contributors with a connection to Iowa–those who (past or present) live, study, or work in Iowa, those with familial, tribal, or community connections to Iowa, those who have been displaced from Iowa, and anyone for whom Iowa holds a place in their heart.
This literary field guide will include…
Short Prose
Visual Art
Areas of Interest
In Prairies & Pahas, we'd love to see submissions connected to (but not limited to) any of these state preserves and natural areas: Cedar Hills Sand Prairie, Marietta Sand Prairie, Big Sand Mound, Rochester Cemetery, Casey's Paha, Kish-Ke-Kosh Prairie, Rolling Thunder Prairie, Steele Prairie, Cayler Prairie, Hayden Prairie, and the Loess Hills.
Species of Interest
In Prairies & Pahas, we'd love to see submissions connected to (but not limited to) any of these critters, plants, and landforms: loess deposits, pahas, ornate box turtle, yellow mud turtle, prickly pear cactus, hoary puccoon, plains pocket gopher, eastern mole, spadefoot toad, bobolink, western meadowlark, upland sandpiper, and any other species you consider to be hallmarks of these environments.
Submission Guidelines
We are eager to feature many contributors throughout the field guide series, but please understand that space will be limited. We will notify everyone who submits about whether or not their work has been accepted. Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis beginning February 15, 2025. There is no final deadline for submissions at this time. An announcement will be made at least 2 weeks prior to the close of the submission window.
Short Prose
Each prose submission should be between 250-1,000 words. You may send up to 3 separate prose submissions. Please send .doc or .docx files.
All forms of short prose will be considered. We are especially interested in flash nonfiction, lyric essays, and prose poems.
Poems of all forms are welcome. A single poem should not exceed 3 pages in length.
You may submit up to 5 poems in a single attachment (.doc or .docx files).
We are especially interested in poems that center a particular place, plant, animal, or other aspect/inhabitant of upland prairies, prairie pahas, or sand prairies.
Visual Art
You may submit any type of visual art for consideration, but we are most interested in drawings, sketches, maps, and linocuts. When possible, please submit .jpeg files of your artwork, with at least 300 PPI resolution.
Field guides will be printed in black & white. Page dimensions will be approximately 4.5x7 inches (WxH).
You may submit up to 3 pieces of visual art.
A 1-2 sentence artist's statement including title, medium, and a brief description should accompany each visual art submission in the body of your email.
Hybrid work blurs the lines between traditional genres. Please send to this category any submissions that blend prose, poetry, and/or visual art into a single piece of work.
You may submit up to 5 pages of hybrid work. Please submit each piece in a single doc, .docx, or .jpeg file.
Field guides will be printed in black & white. Page dimensions will be approximately 4.5x7 inches (WxH).
We are especially interested in postcards, maps, collages, and ekphrastic poems (with their accompanying artwork when possible), and "how-tos" about engaging with land/water.
Fragments are the leaf litter of our physical and literary landscapes. These could include historical or contemporary:
journal entries
excerpts or quotations
research/field notes
natural history papers
oral histories
place-words (the stories behind place names, local/historical landscape words and their definitions, etc)
resource lists (send us a list of your favorite books, poems, artworks, podcast episodes, research papers about a specific place or ecosystem)
places to visit (send us directions to a favorite natural area, a list of trails, or the inside scoop on where to spot a rare wildflower)
For copyrighted materials such as newspaper articles, journal articles, and book excerpts, please: include a proper citation of the work ,and abide by fair use copyright guidelines, or provide a reprint permission statement from the copyright holder with your submission. Note: Under current copyright law, most works published before 1923 enter the public domain at the start of their 95th calendar year of publication. If you have something interesting but are unsure of its copyright status, please send it along with a note about where it came from, and we'll do our best to determine if we can publish it or not.
How to Submit
Please make sure you have reviewed the Submission Guidelines for the genres to which you plan to submit.
Email your submission to with the subject line "Prairies and Pahas: (Insert Genre) Submission".
Attach your submission to the email as the appropriate file type (.doc or .docx for text files .jpeg for artwork/hybrid).
Include the following information in the body of the email:
Email Address
Title and genre of your submission
1-2 sentence description of your submission
1-2 sentence personal bio
Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis beginning February 15, 2025. There is no final deadline for submissions at this time. An announcement will be made at least 2 weeks prior to the close of the submission window.
Example Submission
Subject: Prairies and Pahas: Poetry Submission
Amie Adams
Goldenrod: Prose
Goldenrod is a short essay about an experience I had at Cayler Prairie in September 2024.
Amie Adams is (she/her) is a writer, farmworker, and freelancer who lives in central Iowa. You can read more of her work at
*Don't forget to include your attachment!
Inclusivity Statement
Whether or not you consider a writer or an artist, we want to see your work! Whether this is your first or fiftieth time submitting to a publication, thank you for choosing us! Please send us your best work that honors your own authenticity and celebrates the self-expression of others. We especially encourage contributors from historically underserved communities to submit their work. Like the tallgrass prairie, we want this publication to be a space that celebrates diversity and mutual flourishing.
Other Ways to Get Involved
Book Design
Editing & Proofreading
Resource Cultivation ( grants, funding opportunities, and partners)
Advertising & Distribution
If you have experience in any of these areas and are interested in contributing to the project, please email to introduce yourself.
Upcoming Calls for Submissions
Stay connected! Subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on Instagram @iowafieldguides for upcoming calls for submissions. Future themes will include: woodlands, savannas, wetlands, waterways, caves & blufflands.